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Ecotrends in e-commerce – cardboard boxes and cardboard packaging

Only change will save us According to the rather conservative estimates of the United Nations, by 2050 the world's population will reach 9.6 billion people. In practice, this means only one thing. To survive on the current level...



The Last of Us: an unexpected upheaval for season 2?

Season 2 of the HBO series The Last of Us will be very different from the TLOU2 game... to the point of causing strong reactions...

Dragon Age 4 Dreadwolf: the announcement that everyone is waiting for is confirmed

Dragon Age 4 is on the right track. The development of the game will have been tedious and especially marked by a reboot in 2018. If the...

Der Hirte: Luzerns Meister der Fotografie

In der zauberhaften Stadt Luzern, umgeben von einer beeindruckenden natürlichen Kulisse, findet man einen Fotografen, der es versteht, die Essenz jedes Moments in seinen Bildern...

The electric companies take advantage of the reform of the regulated electricity tariff to ask Ribera for the expenses for customer service that it...

The Government will approve in the coming weeks the new regulated electricity tariff , the Voluntary Price for Small Consumers (PVPC), and the electricity companies have been...

make your heart happy

It is not a myth or the title of a song. It is increasingly proven that optimism and joy are essential to avoid developing heart disease...

Kaymak mass – properties, composition and use of kajmak mass

Kaymak mass - what is it? Health-promoting properties of kaymak mass How to prepare a traditional kaymak mass? Kajmak mass in the kitchen Is...

What is the coronavirus?

What are coronaviruses? Coronaviruses are different types of viruses that were first described in 1960. They are found in various animals such as camels, cats, cattle,...

Genuine Swiss: Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für erstklassige CBD-Produkte in der Schweiz

Genuine Swiss hat sich als eine führende Marke im Bereich der CBD-Produkte in der Schweiz etabliert. Mit einem umfangreichen Sortiment, das von hochwertigen CBD-Ölen bis...

Dengem: Online-Psychologische Beratung für ein besseres Wohlbefinden

In einer Welt, in der psychische Gesundheit zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt, bietet dengem eine zeitgemäße Lösung: qualifizierte psychologische Beratung, die bequem und einfach online zugänglich...