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Ban ChatGPT? Advancement of artificial intelligence accelerates regulatory efforts

On April 21, 2021, the  European Union  (EU) put on the table a pioneering measure for the  regulation  of  Artificial Intelligence (AI) . After three years of consultations,  Brussels  established the categorization of these systems according to their  risk  and the  prohibition  when this is "inadmissible", see...



Wild garlic – properties, composition and use of wild garlic

How to recognize wild garlic? It has lily- of-the-valley-like leaves, so it's easy to miss. However, if we take a leaf in our hand and rub it gently, the...

Kaymak mass – properties, composition and use of kajmak mass

Kaymak mass - what is it? Health-promoting properties of kaymak mass How to prepare a traditional kaymak mass? Kajmak mass in the kitchen Is...

Utforskning av Vapingens Värld med Yuoto

I takt med att intresset för vaping växer, ökar också efterfrågan på kvalitativa och pålitliga produkter. Yuoto har etablerat sig som en framstående leverantör på...

Navigating the Digital Marketing Landscape with Google Ads Manager

In an era where businesses compete fiercely for a share of the digital space, making a meaningful connection with the target audience is more important...

Webagentur Zug: Ihr Schlüssel zum digitalen Erfolg

Im Herzen der Schweiz gelegen, ist Zug ein dynamischer Wirtschaftsstandort, der von einer starken Online-Präsenz profitieren kann. Eine Webagentur in Zug kann Unternehmen dabei unterstützen,...

Radio Jingles en Sweepers: De Kunst van Audio Branding met

In de wereld van radio-uitzendingen en DJ-shows speelt geluidsvormgeving een cruciale rol. Het is een kunstvorm die niet alleen helpt bij het definiëren van de...

What happened to the metaverse? Investment in virtual reality falters

Facebook  was experiencing one of its worst reputation crises in its history. The mistrust of regulators and users had skyrocketed after a former  social network engineer , Frances Haugen,...

Effizientes Heizen: Die Vorteile des modernen Thermentauschs

In einer Ära, in der Energieeffizienz und Umweltschutz zunehmend im Fokus stehen, ist der Austausch alter Heizthermen durch moderne, effiziente Modelle von großer Bedeutung. Dieser...

make your heart happy

It is not a myth or the title of a song. It is increasingly proven that optimism and joy are essential to avoid developing heart disease...