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The Last of Us: an unexpected upheaval for season 2?

Season 2 of the HBO series The Last of Us will be very different from the TLOU2 game... to the point of causing strong reactions from fans with a momentous change? Summary Pedro Pascal alive in season...



The Treasury will collect 865 million more and return 248 less to citizens due to inflation and for not deflating the personal income tax...

The Tax Agency (AEAT) has presented this Tuesday the 2022 Income campaign , giving the go-ahead to the processing of the declarations that can now be filed at the agency's...

Dragon Age 4 Dreadwolf: the announcement that everyone is waiting for is confirmed

Dragon Age 4 is on the right track. The development of the game will have been tedious and especially marked by a reboot in 2018. If the...

Bündner CBD: Natürliches Wohlbefinden aus dem Herzen der Schweizer Alpen

Graubünden, eine Region in der Schweiz, die für ihre atemberaubenden Alpenlandschaften und klare, frische Luft bekannt ist, bietet mehr als nur eine malerische Kulisse. Es...

This is how the planet changes according to images captured by Google Earth Timelapse

 Google  Earth Timelapse  is a fast-motion video  of the entire planet , in which it is possible to zoom in and out, to appreciate the dynamic changes that have occurred on...

Radio Jingles en Sweepers: De Kunst van Audio Branding met

In de wereld van radio-uitzendingen en DJ-shows speelt geluidsvormgeving een cruciale rol. Het is een kunstvorm die niet alleen helpt bij het definiëren van de...

Externe Gefahrgutbeauftragte: Ein unverzichtbarer Partner für die Logistikbranche

Die Logistikbranche steht täglich vor der Herausforderung, Gefahrgut sicher und regelkonform zu transportieren. In der Schweiz ist die Bestellung eines Gefahrgutbeauftragten gesetzlich vorgeschrieben, um die...

Exploring Real Estate Opportunities in Northern Cyprus: A Comprehensive Guide

Northern Cyprus, with its stunning Mediterranean views, rich history, and tranquil lifestyle, presents unique opportunities for real estate investors and homebuyers. Despite its political complexities,...

Guide to understanding routine prenatal tests or exams

If when you found out you were pregnant, one of the first things you thought was that you had to make an appointment with the...

The self-employed report that their turnover is not growing despite having recovered activity: 85% assume cost increases

Inflation takes its toll on the self-employed . Despite having recovered activity, four out of five self-employed workers consider that their business is the same or worse than a year...