1. What should you know about quails?
  2. Characteristics of quail eggs
  3. Quail eggs – vitamins and nutritional values
  4. How to relate to the anti-allergic properties of quail eggs?
  5. Culinary uses of quail eggs
  6. Quail eggs in the kitchen
  7. Quail eggs for everyone!

Truffier, based on the experiences of breeders and researchers known to him, described cases associated with a very wide spectrum of health problems – from hay fever and asthma , through eczema and psoriasis , to migraines of allergic origin and malnutrition. Interestingly, for the full therapeutic effect, quail eggs should be eaten raw!

What should you know about quails?

Common quail is a medium-sized migratory bird belonging to the grouse family , domesticated by man about 4,000 years ago. Although the largest individuals do not exceed 20 cm in length and do not weigh more than 200 g, birds are also bred for meat – healthy, delicate and very tasty. At this point, it is worth mentioning an interesting phenomenon called coturnism (from the Latin name of the bird: Coturnix coturnix ). Well, some varieties of quail on their way to winter holidays in Africa eat the seeds of toxic plants , which do not cause them any harm. Unfortunately, poisoncan get into meat and can be very harmful to humans!

Returning to the biological characteristics of the common quail, it is characterized by a buff coloration and quite long wings . Females additionally have a white spot on the throat, and males have a black mustache. In the wild, they usually inhabit fields , meadows and pastures , where they establish ground nests. The female lays eggs usually once a year, between May and June , and there are from 7 to 20 of them in the nest. In breeding conditions, birds behave a bit differently – they lay more eggs, with a carrying capacity of up to 52 weeks per year, but not at all incubate.

Characteristics of quail eggs

A quail egg is relatively small – it weighs about 10 g, and in volume it is usually about ¼ of a chicken egg . The shell itself can vary depending on the breed and diet of the birds, but is usually grayish or beige in color with darker brown spots. Inside there is a yolk, proportionally much larger than in a hen’s egg, with a more pronounced flavor, associated by some with venison. After all, there are people who do not notice any difference in taste compared to a chicken egg .

Quail eggs compared to a chicken egg; photo shutterstock

Quail eggs – vitamins and nutritional values

Quail eggs are most often compared with chicken eggs, comparing the nutritional benefits, so as to justify the significant difference in the price of both products. And so, per 100 of the product without the shell, a quail egg is about 10% more caloric, because it contains more protein and fat . Taking into account the limited amount of eggs that we are able to consume, however, this is not a difference that may affect the caloric content of the diet as such.

When comparing the mineral and vitamin composition, quail eggs look much better. They are, just like chicken eggs, rich in mineral salts – zinc , phosphorus , magnesium ,manganese , copper , potassium , selenium , sodium , calcium and iron , as well as vitamins – vitamin A , B vitamins ( vitamin B1 , B2 , B3 , B4 , B5 , B6 , B9 and B12 ), vitamin C , D , E and K. _They also contain more vitamin B1 and vitamin A than chicken eggs, although they are high in cholesterol , have a positive effect on the lipid profile of the blood , primarily by increasing the level of good HDL cholesterol in the blood. As a complete source of protein, they are also an excellent substitute for meat in the daily diet, and thanks to the mine of B vitamins, they significantly support metabolic processes in the body . Finally, there is no shortage of choline responsible for maintaining the health and functionality of cell membranes and the nervous system .In combination with the high content of iron and selenium, which determine the efficient functioning of the circulatory system , it is a real health pill enclosed in a speckled shell.

How to relate to the anti-allergic properties of quail eggs?

Hundreds of years have passed since the previously mentioned treatments with raw quail eggs, and scientists are still discussing the anti-allergic potential of freckled eggs. Many sources actually indicate that quail eggs prove to be effective in the laboratory in the treatment of food allergies and psoriasis. It is suggested that the enzymes contained in them are antagonists of receptors responsible for the development of allergic reactions. More enthusiastic sources even indicate the prospects of treating cancer, atherosclerosis or liver problems quail eggs. The suggested therapy protocol for adults is to consume 120 raw eggs on an empty stomach over 26 days!It should be emphasized that this is not a recognized medical practice and should be treated with due skepticism.

Culinary uses of quail eggs

Apart from more or less scientifically justified health benefits, the consumption of quail eggs is part of the culinary tradition of many countries around the world. They are especially esteemed by the Japanese, who prepare eg sushi with raw egg or breakfast boxes with boiled egg and vegetables .

In Central and South American countries, quail eggs are a popular addition to hamburgers and soups , while in the Philippines they are served soft but fried in an orange batter. Koreans, in turn, are very happy to eat beef in soy sauce with boiled quail eggs, while Indonesians add them to shrimp curry .In many Asian countries, you can even buy canned hard-boiled eggs!

However, quail eggs are also eagerly eaten in Europe – in France as a raw addition to beef tartare; in Italy in salads , and in Spain as tapas , small snacks, just for one bite. The British, on the other hand, use quail eggs as a filling for fried meatballs.


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